Sunday, January 3, 2010

MEIST After Hours - Dubai Mall

[MEIST - Dubai 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8-Abu Dhabi - Jordan]

After the business of the day, we were left to our own devices. With the opening of the Burj tomorrow, the largest building in the world, now rendering our own CN Tower a dwarf, we decided to plan our remaining days in Dubai resulting in a trip to the Dubai Mall today for some shopping.
The mall was surrounded by brilliantly lighted trees and we were greeted by the Dubai Ice Rink when we arrived at the official Taxi entrance. After splitting our large group into manageable size by organizing a departure plan, we set out to explore.

It was here that we found also the famous Dubai Aquarium, the largest aquarium in the world (also containing the largest single piece of glass I'm told) which housed a host of aquatic life. Needless to say, I wished I could SCUBA dive (which I'm told is possible) with some proper sharks.We even got to see Candylicious, the competitor to our suggested company in our Market Entry Strategy presentation for my group.

There was every shop imaginable from the GAP to LV. After some retail therapy for some of the participants, we decided to go for a good night out which is where the night ends for this post. We hastily crawl back into bed in the hopes of snagging a few precious winks of sleep in anticipation for an escalating day tomorrow.

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