Friday, January 1, 2010

Rotman International Study Tour - Middle East Begins!

[MEIST - Dubai 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8-Abu Dhabi - Jordan]

The majority of the participants have arrived in Dubai later in the evening and we are currently settling in. The schedule is pretty packed and we have some interesting company visits lined up. We'll be in Dubai until Jan 6th after which we will move on to Abu Dhabi for a few days. The last half of our trip will be spent in Amman, Jordan before making the trip back on Jan 17th.

The weather has been quite nice, although arriving at night it's hard to see to much. Most people are quite tired from their trip and getting ready for the whirlwind of activity anticipated in the short time afforded to us here.

Tomorrow we have a Day Desert Safari planned in the mid afternoon to ease us into he Middle East.

[MEIST - Dubai 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8-Abu Dhabi - Jordan]


Anonymous said...

Hey Josh,
nice post... hope you have a great time on your study tour!

Joshua Wong said...

Thanks Sinisa! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for info about Abu Dhabi ...i like it very much. Overnight Desert Safari Abu Dhabi