Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nextel Institute

[LAIST Tour Begins, Fazenda Tozan, Churrascaria – Nova Pampa, Port of Santos, Deloitte, Embraer, Natura, Gol de Letra, Bom Bril, Agencia Click, Nextel Institute, May 6, Rio, Rio Weekend, Petrobras, PREVI]

The Nextel Institute is a NGO which provides additional training for at risk and vulnerable youth aged 16 to 24. They are funded by Nextel and work in partnerships with companies like Agencia Click.

They have had explosive growth, placing 70% of their 124 participants in 2008 and 60% of 390 in 2009, more than doubling their success rate.

This tremendous growth has caused this foundation to look at developing new locations and partnering with additional companies to absorb the additional youth looking for employment.

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