Saturday, February 6, 2010

Financial Modeling with Ian Schnoor

On Wednesday, Rotman hosted Ian Schnoor to do a free course through PACE, Financial Modeling 1 - Building a Financial Model.

He's style was very organized and structured, with an emphasis for presenting the model in physical printed paper format as well as on Excel on a computer. Before I had come to Rotman, I was recommended by a friend to take his course. He offers his course with his company, the Marquee Group, is also offered through the CFA (which is much more expensive than at Rotman).

There is a lot of interest generated for his next related course: Financial Modeling 2 - Valuation Analysis. I'd recommend a financial modeling course for anyone who is serious about getting into finance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did it compare to The Analyst Exchange? What did you learn that was different?