Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Exams and International Study Tour Class

I feel like I'm finally a real Rotman MBA student. I've finally written two exams and submitted a paper, meaning I've officially completed all the work for three of the five courses this quarter. We have two exams over the next two days: Managing People in Organizations and Financial Accounting.

Yesterday, I spent some time helping a few people understand stats (one person who I helped was beaming when she came out of the stats exam and said: "Everything I answered was what Josh and I did yesterday"). And she is a pretty smart person to begin with, so that felt pretty good. A few of the guys I helped were also giving me high fives with thanks which was also nice.

Almost immediately after my stats exam, I had to go to my first Middle East International Study tour class (2 hours every Wednesday on top of the regular courseload). As my classmates in Section 2 will know very well, I have an urge to speak up in classes. It was a little intimidating to do at first, as there were mostly second years in the room (I found one other first year who is going on the tour) because they have all had one year of classes under their belts already and they are all very sharp (selected based on interest, academics and extracurricular involvement). However, I would like to feel that I made some useful contributions to the discussion regarding an international perspective on emerging markets and would like to think that I also got some acknowledgement on my ideas by the professor.

Next up is the MPO exam and as brilliant as I think I am, I won't be helping anyone on this one (there's no math, people are generally confident with the material and the method of study doesn't really lend itself to tutorials).

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